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One week Offerings

Labs offered in Summer Program


Our experiences in our daily lives – our thoughts, actions, choices, interactions – sometimes make us wonder about ourselves and about others around us. Our inner landscape of feelings, motivations, and the dreams we cherish, sometimes lie unexplored and unexpressed. These questions about the inner and outer world can leave us feeling restless. ESFL is a space to explore these landscapes. To engage, encounter, explore, express, and discover the possibility of new meanings and action choices.

For whom : People from all walks of life, anyone above the age of 18 years, specifically people who are attending an experiential lab for the first time.


We all play multiple roles in our work systems, organisations, family, and communities  All these systems, large or small, create roles with diverse pulls and pressures that place a high demand on the individual  to cope and deliver on role expectations.  RMS invites people to explore how they can embrace and integrate various roles with their identity and aspirations, and create alignment with various systems they are members of. These explorations during the lab help develop a sense of well-being, discover new possibilities of approaching roles and membership, and unlock new action potentials.

For whom: Senior and middle level executives in corporate, government, social organizations, entrepreneurs and self employed professionals.


Traditional descriptions of roles, underlying beliefs and expectations of men and women in family life have undergone significant changes. Women are looking for wider opportunities to express themselves beyond their homes and Men are looking to integrate their traditional role as bread-winners with expectations of care-givers. IRF invites women and men who seek to review their roles as homemakers, and seek to enhance the quality of family life.

For whom: Open for homemakers - men and women from all walks of life.


The age group between pre-puberty and stepping into puberty brings with it, a need to be a “grown-up”, learn new skills, apply new ideas, express creatively, be valued - and feel good about oneself. However, the education system and the pressure of performance often push children towards retention of information, study limited to textbooks, limited exposure to anything that is “non productive” and above all, to fall in line. This focus on structured thinking rather than creative thinking and expression, masks potential and inhibits active engagement in learning and discovery. SEC offers a space to foster the creative and the expressive spirit and build value and pride in oneself.

For whom: Children between the ages of 8 and 14 years.


Today’s world poses both invitations and challenges for the youth.  On one hand there is a vast world waiting to be discovered with effort and inquiry, on the other, technology and consumerism make everything seem very easy and within reach. There is a tremendous need to excel and succeed in a competitive world today; and the need for connecting, relating, exploring and finding one’s convictions and beliefs often become secondary. In truth, the greatest price is paid by the youth as they find themselves in a sea of confusion regarding morality, relationship, meaningfulness, significance and direction in life. The youth however generates a façade of competence and covers the confusion within, often without realizing their true potential to be who they are meant to be. IDG is aimed at exploring the dilemmas that the youth face and discovering means to find conviction to make meaningful choices and courage to deal with consequences.

For whom: Youth between the ages of 14 and 18 years.


The world today offers a bewildering array of choices that are simultaneously challenging and alluring. It offers multiple and often conflicting models of success and significance. Market forces, familial expectations, and peer groups typically influence the image of who one wishes to be. Added to this, is the need to give and receive love, and form emotionally secure relationships. One’s identity also faces the challenges thrown up by systems in taking roles, - in defining one’s accountability, authority and commitment.  YAT invites people who seek to explore these multiple challenges and unlock new action potentials.

For whom : Young Adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years.


The last two decades have birthed an era of opportunities and socio economic changes and, a culture caught between old anchors of values and dreams, and new vistas. It has become possible for many to achieve success – often earlier than expected, usually with a silent thought – “is this all there is to life?”

Our several thousands of hours of work in groups and individual coaching reveal a desire to search for and activate creative potentials. There is a desire for renewal – a new lease of meaningfulness, and well being – with the self and in relationships – at work and at home.

For whom : Women and Men with at least a decade and half of work experience in industry,government, NGO's,academia,own enterprises seeking to find qualitative addition to self and life.



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