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The Renewal Program

The Renewal Program

For whom:

  • Senior Professionals, Women and Men with at least a decade and half of work experience in industry, government, NGO's, academia, own enterprises seeking to find qualitative addition to self and life.


The last couple of decades have ushered in an era of new opportunities and rapid socio economic changes and, a culture that seems to have caught itself between old anchors of values and dreams, and new promising vistas. The increase in opportunities have fortuitously made it possible for many to achieve the success they had set out to get – often far earlier than expected. For some successes have tended to become routine. For some the successes have raised hopes of more to come. For some the successes have often helped to keep sorrows at bay, sorrows of postponement of the emotional life, sorrows of compromised dreams, sorrows of sacrificed relationships etc. For most however the successes have been accompanied with a growing gnawing thought – “is this all there is to life?”
Our several thousands of hours of individual coaching and group level growth work suggest that for the thinking individual achieving social and financial success is only a threshold . There is a desire to search for and activate creative potentials hidden within. There is a deep desire for renewal – a new lease of aliveness, meaningfulness, well being and healthfulness – with the self and in relationships – at work and at home.


  • To develop a bird's eye view of ones life journey so far
  • To create a deeper understanding and reframe the pathos in ones life
  • To explore and examine one's creating self
  • To explore ones identity – in the mind, the body and ones very essence
  • To explore and identify hitherto neglected / invisible / unused potentials
  • To create new pathways/sankalpas that are likely bring new meaning, aliveness and well being
  • To foster the perspective maker in oneself

How does this happen:

  • Facilitators create a safe, non evaluative ambience for self disclosure and sharing
  • Recognition of patterns of thoughts,emotions and choices
  • Fostering the search for and discovery of “how I create my own world"
  • Using the “here and now” to study and understand individual, group and larger human phenomena
  • The group becoming both a context as well as a mirror for each member – thus generating deep self

Expectations from the participant:

  • Readiness to share feelings, thoughts, experiences
  • Preparedness to give and receive feedback
  • Willingness to take the initiative in exploring subjective material – on'e own and others

Some possible take aways for participants:

  • A new perspective on one's dreams, successes, failures and life so far
  • New directions to add to life henceforth
  • Greater efficacy, tested in the lab setting – with new steps, in fostering well being in self as well as
  • Heightened awareness of and facility with, one's own “creating self”
  • Discovery of new hopes,goals and directions worth working towards – therefore enhanced energy and meaningfulness along with the ways of sustaining them.


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